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Employment Allowance – What is it and How Does it Work?

Employment Allowance may be the most exciting piece of legislation to affect small businesses in recent times. However, it still…Read More

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New Statutory Maternity, Paternity etc. Rates Announced for 2023-24

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has released the 2023/24 rates for statutory adoption (SAP), maternity (SMP), paternity (SPP),…Read More

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business-advisory, payroll-outsourcing

The Growth Plan (Mini Budget) Statement

EDIT: This information from the ‘Mini-Budget’ has been substantially reversed. For an up-to-date summary please visit our budget updates page. Kwasi…Read More

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The Life of a Payroll Professional

Payroll has always been a role with a lot of pressure, there is great responsibility in making sure people are…Read More

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Increase in National Insurance Primary Threshold

From 6 July 2022, the National Insurance Primary Threshold for Class 1 National Insurance Contributions (NICs) will increase by £3,000.…Read More

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Budget 2021 summary DTE business advisers
business-advisory, corporate-finance, financial-planning, payroll-outsourcing

The Chancellor’s 2nd Budget

For an up-to-date summary please visit our budget updates page. As the number of people affected by Covid-19 now appears to…Read More

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